Monday, March 18, 2013

SoL 9: Those cheesy classroom mottos

Yea you know what I’m talking about, the big posters with some “deep thought” quote from some guy.  For example: “For Success, Attitude is as important as Ability.” Who’s coming up with these cheesy things? I mean I get that they are so supposed to inspire kids to work harder, but who really reads them and takes them seriously? I’ve only looked at them when I’m really bored after finishing a test and have nothing else to do.

It’s actually kind of funny to read them, because they are like the same things that everyone tells you, but you almost never follow them. As much as I understand I need to “manage time” or have “a good attitude,” these are like common things that I really don’t need to be reminded of. Ugh, this blog is sort of turning into a rant; then again, most of my blogs are… hehe. I guess a real question is probably, who’s the person is writing these. Are they just made up by people that are trying to make a profit? I mean if it was a truly inspirational quote from a famous person, they would probably mean more. :/ Hopefully it’s that, though these posters don’t seem to have any author…

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