Wednesday, March 20, 2013

SoL 12: Photoshop

On my home computer, I use Photoshop CS6 Extended edition. Until recently, I never knew the difference between the Extended and the standard edition. However, I went and used the same installer on my mom’s computer, and somehow managed to install the regular version instead of the extended version. Thus, when I went and tried to make a 3D extrusion on the regular edition, the feature was missing. Personally, I think for such an expensive piece of software, that 3D feature should be on the regular version regardless. Perhaps they could cut some of the more advanced lighting and effects, but to cut the entire feature is pretty crazy.

Considering how that seems to be the only major feature  content wise in the upgrade from CS5 to CS6, cutting it on the regular version of Photoshop is like cheating their customers out of a major feature. If we are paying upwards of400 dollars, don’t we deserve a skinned version of 3D at least?

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